
Matric Final Exam Study Club

The Matric Final Exam period, from a Gr12 learner’s perspective, is:


  1. Stressful
  2. Prolonged and tough to stay motivated
  3. Alienated, being at home and away from friends after 12 years of daily interaction.
  4. Without the structure of school bells setting a daily routine and study schedule


Our FASTCLASS MATRIC STUDY CLUB provides the optimal solution, ensuring that students have a structured daily workplan, mastering concepts, and doing past exam paper practice under the guidance of a qualified and experienced tutor.


The MATRIC STUDY CLUB runs from Saturday 21 Oct until the end of exams. The club is open from 09h00 – 13h00 every day of the exam period.


The programme has been designed to get students out of bed for the day. We kickstart the morning with focused work (which tends to be quite motivating), and still give students the afternoons and evenings to do further work independently. If they encounter challenges during self-study, they can always seek assistance from our tutors the following day.



Membership for the full period is priced at R6,500.

Option 1: Pay the full amount by the end of October.

Option 2: Pay in two equal instalments of R3,500 each, due at the end of October and November 2023.


Let’s help your child end their school career on the best possible note! Sign up by completing this Google Form and we will add your child to the Matric Club WhatsApp Group and send further instructions.

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